Braintree town centre pedestrianisation

Pedestrianisation of Braintree Town Centre

Safe public spaces

We have seen Market Place, Great Square and the High Street transformed into a new public space with one-level paving, street furniture, CCTV, Wi-Fi hotspots, trees, built-in seating areas and new lighting.

We have bicycle racks positioned on the edge of the pedestrianised areas as well as electricity points to power a greater range of market stalls.

artist impression of pedestrianisation in braintree town centre

Flexible to host events

We have created more space to hold larger events and street markets.

We know how much people value our markets and we want to provide a bigger and more vibrant offer to bring visitors to the town centre.

More space means more stalls, room for seating and additional points for electricity supplies.

Braintree street market

braintree town centre with lots of people in it


Status quo in disabled parking

Blue badge holders can make use of the 17 new disabled parking bays in Bank Street and the 3 new ones in St Michael’s Lane. Despite the changes, no disabled parking spaces have been lost.

Photo of bank street in Braintree